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Details about building accessibility and ADA compliance. 

I have a physical disability or need mobility accommodations.

Will I be able to navigate my way to your office easily?

     As someone who has several family members who live with a disability, it is very important for me to address this question honestly &      to accommodate you as best I can, with the resources I have. 

  • My office is located on the lower floor of a small commercial building, built in 1953. 

  • There is parking directly in front of the entrance to the lower floor of the building.
    There are two parking spaces here, under the shelter of a deck directly above it. Parking here can be a little "tight" for larger vehicles, but I manage to park a truck there regularly.
    *However, there is likely not enough room for adaptive equipment for wheelchair users to be deployed in these spaces, but the use of other parking spaces very close by can be arranged with notice. 


  • The door entrance is 33 1/2 inches wide and opens into a small foyer with a concrete floor. The restroom is located adjacent to the foyer.

  • The gender-neutral restroom door is 34 inches wide. The restroom is quite small and has a lower/accessible sink with space underneath. However, the toilet sits very close to the wall and may be difficult to maneuver around with adaptive equipment. 
    There are no grab bars installed at this time. 


  • From the foyer, there are 2 steps up to the downstairs lobby. Both steps are approximately 6 inches high. 

  • The lobby has laminate hardwood floors and 2 several soft chairs. It is adjacent to my treatment room. (From the foyer to the door of my treatment room is approximately 10 feet.)

  • The door to my treatment room is 34 inches wide and the room itself has room for maneuverability. 

  • At this time I do not have a motorized massage table that lowers and lifts. (This has been on my wish list for quite some time.) But I can lower my massage table beforehand and offer assistance and props to help you safely get onto the table. I am aiming to finally be able to order a motorized table by the end of 2023. 

  • I currently work with the “Wellspring” model of the Oakworks brand massage table. This model is rated to hold 550 pounds and has a width of 31 inches. 
    For clients who may have weight concerns: I
    n the past (when I used to practice Ashiatsu massage using my feet and body weight for pressure) I sometimes would be standing on the table along with my client. And a couple of those clients were persons of considerable stature and weight. So rest assured that the table will be accommodating in that regard. 


  • I will also mention that I’m in the process of looking for a new chair for my office.
    The one I currently have, I purchased after lockdown specifically because it was easier to disinfect. It seems to accommodate most folks, but I do have concerns that it might feel a little confining to larger bodies.  
    While I’ve not had anyone who has not been able to use it, I just want to supply that information in the spirit of transparency. 


  • Please message me prior to booking if I can answer any questions or request additional assistance for your massage, Lymphatic Drainage, or Post-Op session. 

  • As someone who has lived in a body without disability for 4 decades, I am still learning to be the best ally/accomplice I can be. But of course, sometimes I'm still unaware of the measures I can take to help others feel seen, heard, and more comfortable.
    I am open to constructive feedback and suggestions.- Always.

    ~ Jami  -

The parking space below the deck & entrance to my the lobby

Parking space below the deck.

The entrance/door to the lobby.

Door to the lower floor. 

A view looking into the lobby from the entrance/door.

Entrance to the lower floor.

A view from the foyer looking toward the restroom

Foyer looking toward the restroom.

A closer view of the gender-neutral restroom.

A closer view of the gender-neutral restroom.

A view from the foyer looking toward the lobby. There are two stairs up to the lobby.

Looking toward the lobby from the foyer.

A view from the lobby into the massage therapy treatment room.

The door to my treatment room from the lobby.

Located within 
The Sanctuary 

433 West End Boulevard
Winston-Salem  27101 
By Text:  336-660-4455
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A photo of the front of a business with a sign that reads "The Sanctuary at West End."
Land acknowledgment:
I respectfully acknowledge that my office sits on the ancestral land of the Cheraw/Saura, Yesan/Tutelo, Mánu: Yį Įsuwą/Catawba, Keyawee, Occaneechi/Saponi people.
I honor those who have stewarded this land through generations, prior to the arrival of my ancestors, so that I may work and hold space for my clients to move toward healing.

I commit to recognizing and repairing the harm that colonization has caused to this land and to its Indigenous people.

offer gratitude & respect to elders & knowledge-keepers, past, present, and emerging.


A drawing of native/indigenous people that reads " You are on Tutelo, Saponi, & Keyauwee Land."


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