Post-Operative Massage &
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
For Cosmetic Procedures & other surgeries.

So you've made the decision to have cosmetic surgery, or perhaps you've just recently had surgery.
You're ready for a change and are excited to be a new, updated version of yourself.
I'm so glad that you're taking the time to explore all of your options for healing.
I'm partial to Lymphatic Drainage work as I've seen the effects it can have on improving the healing process after surgery on a number of clients.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is also known as "Lymphatic Drainage Technique", or "Manual Lymphatic Drainage" (MLD). It's not exactly massage, but rather a very light application of pressure that helps move lymphatic fluid through the body.
It does not require the reopening of incisions. (This is known as incisional massage.)
I also incorporate other techniques that are safe during post-surgical recovery to lessen fibrosis as well as to bring more movement & mobility to your body to help you feel more comfortable.
I find that my clients tend to heal more quickly from their procedures after several sessions. And I recommend Post-Op Massage work to anyone who is considering surgery - cosmetic or otherwise.
You can read more about the lymphatic system and what a session is like in the FAQ section below.
General Information:

I've been certified in and practicing the Chickly method of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) since 2008 and became double certified in 2022 in the Vodder method through the Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS.)
I've also taken ACOLS' advanced course in "Management of Post-Plastic Surgery Procedures" and various post-operative recovery & fibrosis management courses under Kathleen Lisson CLT.
This work is soothing to the nervous system, relaxing, and subtle, but it also can have profound effects on how your body heals and maintains itself.
Lymphatic Drainage and Post-Op Massage are beneficial to your health from the very first session, but if you are experiencing considerable swelling it generally takes a series of treatments to SEE significant results.
For this reason, I offer a series of treatments. I also have developed a package for folks wth extensive procedures or who have had several procedures at once, that will essentially "jumpstart" your lymph system and healing based on my experience.
Because it is important for me to make your recovery and treatment comfortable and affordable, I offer a 3 payment plan for these packages in addition to the option to make a one-time payment in full.
I also believe in making this work as accessible as possible to those who need it - particularly for clients who are healing from lipo for lipedema treatment and for non-binary and trans folks.
For folks with Lipedema, I understand that this is about improving your health and quality of life, and about lessening pain and discomfort.
For Trans and Non-binary folks who are traditionally marginalized, I understand that this is as much about physical well-being as it is about mental and emotional well-being.-
-- I'm in the process of developing a program for financial assistance. Please contact me if you might need special financial considerations in the meantime.
Offering Manual Lymphatic Drainage before & after:
Liposuction to the abdomen, flanks, back, thighs, and upper arms
Liposuction for Lipedema
Abdominoplasty a.k.a -Tummy Tuck
Breast Procedures - Augmentations, Lifts, Reductions, Reconstructions
Gender Affirming Surgeries
Brazilian Butt Lift Procedures
Mommy Makeover
Facial, chin, and neck procedures
Please Note:
My post-operative sessions consist of using gentle, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Method), with other modalities safe for the body during the post-operative healing process.
I do not offer any sort of work that pushes fluid out of incisions or drains, Nor do I reopen incisions to do so. -- This sort of work is not Manual Lymphatic Drainage but is in fact incisional massage.
Massage therapists in North Carolina are not licensed to do incisional massage; this is outside our scope of practice. If someone in NC offers to do this sort of work, I advise you to look elsewhere.~Your health and safety come first!
If you're concerned might need fluid drained - as, in the instance of a seroma, you will need to contact your surgeon for instruction.
Single Sessions:
Post-Op & Manual Lymphatic Drainage
for Surgical Recovery
1st Visit with Consultation - Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Session
- 90 Minutes $165
Your first visit always includes:
a complimentary consultation as part of your session,
in-depth discussion of health history as well as the surgery itself,
a conversation about compression garments and checking the current garment fit,
your goals and the vision for your "after" body - and how I can help you get there,
a basic explanation of the lymphatic system, including an explanation of the work we will be doing and how it will affect your body as it pertains to your outcome,
suggestions, tools, & resources for at-home care to keep you on track between sessions.
Single follow-up visit:- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Session
- 90 Minutes - $150
- 60 Minutes - $110
These sessions may include but are not limited to the following, based
on what your needs are:
Medicupping - also known as negative compression,
or vibration tools to assist lymphatic flow,
custom-cut lipo foam or gray foam to assist with optimal compression within your garment,
Kinesiotaping for lymphatic flow,
silicone taping for optimal scar formation
Pre-Op Manual Lymphatic Drainage Sessions
(Before Surgery)
These sessions are designed to provide Manual Lymphatic Drainage to the body IN PREPARATION FOR Surgery.
If you have a tendency to swell in certain areas of the body OR
if you just want to get a jump start on your healing process, a Pre-Op Session will help clear out any lymphatic stagnation before your surgery.
This may aid the body in healing more efficiently and improve the odds of a smoother recovery.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Session - 90 Minutes: $165
Fibrosis Consultation, Evaluation & Treatment
Are you 4+ weeks out from surgery and have noticed lumps, bumps, or hard spots?
This can be the result of inadequate compression during healing. - When our body's lymphatic system is overwhelmed with extra swelling & fluid that is not moved out of the area by Manual Lymphatic Drainage or compression, it can sit and harden over time.
Treatment of fibrosis looks a bit different from regular Manual Lymphatic Post-Op treatment. While a session will include MLD, it may also include deeper massage or myofacsial work of the areas being treated, as well as cupping & scar tissue manipulation.
As with other Post-Op Treatments, your sessions will be tailored to meet your needs and we will discuss a plan of action to lessen or clear the fibrotic areas.
Fibrosis Consult, Evaluation, & Treatment - 75 Minutes: $145
Recovery Packages
This package is ideally suited for those who've had extensive, or 360 Liposuction, Mommy Makeovers, Lipo for Lipedema, and have had several procedures at the same time. It's designed to jump-start the process of reducing edema and swelling in the extremities and to improve lymphatic movement throughout the body over the course of 8-10 weeks.
This program also includes:
educational components to help you better understand the lymphatic system and how it affects your body,
guides & resources for your healing process,
assistance with garments and fajas to ensure compression is effective,
extra foams or tools as needed (complimentary),
optional progress photos - if you opt to do so (These will be on your cell phone. I will not have access to these photos unless you give me written permission to use them for promotional materials.)
and measurements through the course of treatment so that you can see the results.
Your Best Self Package: 2 Options
Package #1:
Accelerated Healing Program for 360 Liposuction, Mommy Makeover,
Brazilian Buttlift, Lipo for Lipedema, or those undergoing several procedures at once.
3 Phases:
Edema/Swelling Relief - aids in moving lymphatic fluid build up as the result of surgical procedures, assists with inflammation, and helps improve and clear out bruising and cellular debris. Each of these can help with a faster, more efficient recovery time.
Fibrosis Prevention - a continuation of the work listed above, with the goal of preventing hardness (or fibrosis) of the tissues. If you are coming in weeks after your procedure, and are experiencing fibrosis, our goal will be more focused on addressing and breaking down fibrotic tissue.
Smoothing it all out - making sure swelling has substantially reduced, gentle scar tissue techniques as needed to address (well-healed) incision sites, and making sure the tissue feels smooth and uniform (unless there have been other health complications.)
I want to make sure that you feel good about your results as best I can from my end. Keep in mind that these results also depend on your own self-care and the care you have received from your surgeon and medical team.
12 sessions total (not including your initial 90-minute session & consultation.)
Package #1 - Total Investment:
One Payment - paid in full - $1250
Four Payments, every 2 weeks of - $320
(Click below to select an option)